Webinar Glogal FIGO: Niveles de Prevención de la Morbimortalidad por hemorragia posparto


Dear colleagues, 

We are delighted to inform you that FIGO is hosting our next Global Webinar with FLASOG on Wednesday 21st October at 4pm UK time (BST): (SP) Niveles de prevención de la morbimortalidad por hemorragia postparto / (EN) Levels of prevention of postpartum hemorrhage morbidity and mortality. Please note that this webinar will be available in Spanish only.  

Webinar Description:

(SP): El webinar tiene como objetivo evidenciar intervenciones que se pueden implementarse antes que la Hemorragia Pos Parto se presente y que son claves para prevenir la morbilidad y la mortalidad materna. Estas intervenciones son usualmente ignoradas por los profesionales de la salud, por ser simples y de baja complejidad. Se espera por parte de FIGO y FLASOG hacer una llamado para que se retomen estas buenas practicas y lograr una miradada integral que va más allá del manejo de emergencia.

(EN): This webinar aims to demonstrate interventions that can be implemented before Postpartum Hemorrhage occurs and that are key to preventing maternal morbidity and mortality. These interventions are usually ignored by health professionals, as they are simple and of low complexity. It is expected that FIGO and FLASOG make a call for these good practices to be retaken and to achieve a comprehensive look that goes beyond emergency management.

The speakers will include:

The webinar will also feature an introduction from Dr Faysal El Kak. 

Register now to join us for the live webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dRsgv8Q9QPOqOyEbx0QL0w

Please note that registration is required to join this webinar. If you are unable to attend, please note that the webinar will also be available on demand on FIGO’s website shortly after the live event.

We would be very grateful if you could promote the webinar amongst your network.

Best wishes and take care,


Francesca Hearing
Online Events Assistant
